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For recruiters and employers, one of the most time-consuming and tedious processes is waiting for information about a candidate. However, it’s one of the most important steps. After all, the days of taking someone’s word for their abilities are long-gone. And while most talent acquisition and hiring professionals do perform background checks on their candidates before making an official job offer, sometimes that is not enough to truly know how someone works and behaves in a particular setting. You need to be able to have references and letters of recommendation at the ready to make good hiring decisions.

So, how do you skip the long and tiresome process of contacting candidate referees to make your decisions faster? Workwolf has the answer.

Pre-verified references and letters of recommendation

As a company dedicated to making filtering and hiring practices more efficient, equitable, and even more enjoyable, Workwolf has added references to the verifications it performs on the platform. Now, job seekers are able to request references and save them to their Digital Work Passport in their Workwolf account. And these are not limited to only former employers.

Now, candidates can request and save verifiable references from:

  • Co-workers
  • Managers
  • Landlords
  • Personal referees (i.e., a neighbour, family friend, or a mentor)

While you may only ever ask for references from former employers or supervisors, in addition to the professional reference letter, Workwolf also offers a separate survey that asks questions about a candidate’s character. This way, you can know for sure how a candidate has performed and will perform in a certain position or work environment.

So, how are these references different from the traditional one you’re used to performing via email and over the phone?

Pre-formulated Questions for Productive Answers

What truly sets Workwolf apart from any other organization is its use of technology. As a software as a solution (SaaS) company, we focus on using the latest tech to make your jobs easier. As such, we began using blockchain to make saving confidential data safe and tamper-proof in a user’s Digital Work Passport. This means that once the candidate receives their references from their referee, the responses are verified and cannot be altered.

To ensure that these references are worth saving and keeping safe, Workwolf’s resident hiring experts produced two standard surveys. Firstly, our character survey asks 10 questions and offers a section where referees can fill in further information if prompted by the candidate. Some of these questions include:

  • How do you know (candidate’s name)? 
  • How long have you known (candidate’s name)? 
  • What do you consider to be (candidate’s name)’s key strengths? 

Secondly, our professional reference forms ask questions specific to work habits and productivity as an employee. Some of these include:

  • Please provide details of (candidate’s name)’s duties and responsibilities 
  • Can you comment on (candidate’s name)’s ability to manage their time and perform under pressure? 
  • Can you comment on (candidate’s name)’s reliability and punctuality? 

So, leave the questioning to us; we’ll get you the answers.

Prepare for better results

If you’re ready to start checking references and letters of recommendation the smart way, rather than the hard way, sign up for a free Workwolf account. After you’ve signed into your account, you will be able to request candidates to apply for a job you’re looking to fill.

If these candidates are not already on the Workwolf platform, they will then fill out their Digital Work Passports, including letters of reference. Once those references are complete, you’ll have access to the responses via blockchain. This means the referee’s answers will be available to you via the Workwolf platform from any portable digital device.

So, get your candidates’ references fast-tracked and start hiring sooner and smarter with Workwolf.



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