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Leaders’ advice

The Value of a Process and 3 Steps for Sales Training Leaders' advice

The Value of a Process and 3 Steps for Sales Training

Recently, we at Workwolf have noticed a huge uptick in the demand for sales professionals. In fact, just this week, a LinkedIn News article by Greg Lewis revealed that the sales industry was one of the most recurrent industries among the top ten most in-demand positions on LinkedIn. And as Steve Trang, a sales trainer extraordinaire, as well as real estate "disruptor" and podcast host, notes, sales can be a very profitable career path if one has the talent and work ethic to make it a long-term career.  But, as Trang recognizes, not everyone will thrive in such a career.…
Kendra Guidolin
3 November 2023
A salesperson is shaking the hand of another person wearing a lab coat or long blazer with a button-up underneath it. They are both standing in a modern-looking office in front of a large window that looks onto a cityscape. Only their arms are in the shot, along with a desk that holds a laptop, a clipboard, folders, and other paperwork.
Take Your Sales Career beyond Just Selling Leaders' advice

Take Your Sales Career beyond Just Selling

With sales as competitive and a company's success as critical as ever before, we at Workwolf have been diving into ways you can improve your sales tactics. And one of the most common themes that comes up time and again is the need for going beyond just selling in the sales industry. Keith Snowden, for one, has been working in the med-tech industry for over 20 years and recognizes "This is not selling widgets" when it comes to live-saving technology. "What you're dealing with," he says, "is a very customer-concentric and patient-concentric business, which requires a high degree of technology…
Kendra Guidolin
19 October 2023
Two businessmen are facing each other, shaking hands and smiling gently. There is one other person looking on at them shaking hands. They are all in a neutral, contemporary-looking office space with a modern, wooden, warm-toned lamp in the background and light, clean walls.
The Top 4 Tricks for Sales Managers Leaders' advice

The Top 4 Tricks for Sales Managers

When Lara, our internet marketing consultant, meets with Dan Hollis over Microsoft Teams, one thing becomes immediately clear—just as his website suggests—"Some people are just born to sell." With years of experience in radio and media, Hollis has an enchanting ability to instantly connect with his audiences and capture their attention. But of course, like the art of magic itself, sales is not inherently all innate, even in those meant for the industry. With over 30 years of experience in sales, Hollis has seen it all and knows what it takes to truly master the art of sales, including the ability…
Kendra Guidolin
13 October 2023
A white man is standing at the front of a conference room before a room full of people sitting around a large table, all of whom are dressed in corporate business attire. The man is writing on a white board at the front of the room. Others seated at the table are watching intently and are making notes on paper in front of them.
The Keys to Keeping a Captivated Client Leaders' advice

The Keys to Keeping a Captivated Client

Whether you're pitching a product, service, or idea, mastering the art of engagement can significantly impact your sales outcomes. Just ask Craig Kohler, a sales consultant at TKK Electronics in Wisconsin. Kohler, who happens to also be a teacher in his free time, has been in sales for over 40 years. And naturally, he's seen all the ways a sale can go right and all the ways a sale can go awry. Our marketing consultant Lara recently sat down with the sales consultant-extraordinaire to find out what it takes to have such an illustrious career in sales and how the sales…
Kendra Guidolin
28 September 2023
A man and woman—both dressed in business casual attire—are shaking hands in a modern office with tall wooden bookcases and concrete walls. The woman is smiling gently while firmly shaking the man's hand.
Build Lasting Relationships with Your Sales Clients Leaders' advice

Build Lasting Relationships with Your Sales Clients

It's no secret that many of the most successful salespeople in the world are those who build meaningful relationships with their clients/customers. Many gain huge followings and receive referrals to friends and family members countless times over because of the great rapport they have built with their audiences. And certainly, doing so takes a certain kind of person: someone who is confident, captivating, and caring about their clients. But just like any other professional skill, doing so always also requires practice! So, how do you build lasting relationships with your clients/customers? Our marketing administrator Lara took to LinkedIn to find…
Kendra Guidolin
13 September 2023
How to Deliver Your Business’s Core Values Leaders' advice

How to Deliver Your Business’s Core Values

When the company was just a few years old, tech mega-giant Google penned an article on their company's philosophy: "Ten things we know to be true." And, as they suggest on their current About page, they continually check-in to ensure they are holding themselves accountable to these core values they started the company on. In fact, they even encourage their clients to hold them accountable to these core values, as well. And while Google is by no means a perfect organization, this is one of the main reasons why it, to us, is an extremely respectable company. It holds and…
Kendra Guidolin
29 August 2023
A business man is walking across an empty street at a crosswalk. He is wearing dark trousers, black socks and dress shoes, a light coloured button-up shirt tucked into a black leather belt, a wrist watch, and a tie. He is carrying a black brief case and his black blazer over his shoulder. His head and shoulders are not in shot, but behind him; there are empty streets out of focus behind him.
4 Steps toward a Successful Path in Sales Leaders' advice

4 Steps toward a Successful Path in Sales

Amidst the ever-fluctuating landscapes of industries and economies, the role of a salesperson stands as an enduring pillar of opportunity and influence. In a realm where risk and reward dance hand in hand, the allure of a successful sales career remains steadfast. As the year 2023 unfolds, the stage is set for individuals to embrace the art of persuasion and engagement like never before. In this era of transformative change, the formula for achieving sales success has evolved, transcending conventional wisdom to encompass a synthesis of knowledge, skills, and individual disposition. So, what is this formula, and how might you…
Kendra Guidolin
22 August 2023
A man and woman are standing in a grey, modern space with crockery and other kitchenware items in front of them on a table just off screen. The man is selling the woman items, and both are smiling; the woman looks invested in what she is being sold. They are both in business casual clothing and look relaxed.
What It Takes to Succeed in Sales: Tips from Stu Schlackman Leaders' advice

What It Takes to Succeed in Sales: Tips from Stu Schlackman

It's no surprise that many who succeed in sales are competitive by nature—they want to win, and as such, they act quick on their feet to do so. And for many decades, salespeople have been perceived—and even depicted in literature and media—as being pushy, charismatic, and working well under high-pressure. But what many forget or fail to recognize is that not all customers respond to the same kind of sales techniques. In fact, some of the best salespeople in the world base their sales approach on each individual customer. And countless who have been in the industry for long enough…
Kendra Guidolin
15 August 2023
4 Easy Steps to Creating a Perfect Sales Team Leaders' advice

4 Easy Steps to Creating a Perfect Sales Team

With competition as fierce as it is these days, your sales team can truly be what makes or breaks your business. But having a perfect sales team isn't just about having numerous employees who all perform effectively in the same manner. You'll need to have a team made up of unique workers that accurately and precisely address your organization's needs as a business. And this is a multi-step process that many struggle with time and again, especially if an organization is offering a niche product/service to a very broad audience. But don't fret! We have a four step process to…
Kendra Guidolin
1 August 2023
Five young professionals are gathered around a large, dark wood table in an office space with large windows. Two female professionals are standing up and are reaching across the table to shake each other's hands. The rest of the workers are looking at them contentedly. There are notepads, notebooks, a laptop, and writing utensils on the table.
Top 4 Tips for Building the Best Sales Onboarding Program Leaders' advice

Top 4 Tips for Building the Best Sales Onboarding Program

You've finally done it: you've found a star salesperson to join your already very successful sales team. And best of all, it wasn't a painful process, since all of the applicant filtering was done automatically. The newbie even seemed eager, passionate, and driven in their interviews and wowed everyone with their interview responses. But you'll need to set even the best of candidates up for success with a good sales onboarding program. Certainly, there are plenty of templates to download and customize to onboard your salespeople. There are even calculators to determine ramp-up time based on the average length of…
Kendra Guidolin
25 July 2023

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