How Workwolf used Packfinder to make their hiring process faster.
Stephen Brennan from Workwolf has hired workers for sales positions for many years. He’s looked over resume after resume, with usually a two-week turn around for hiring someone based off their claims and interviewing them to confirm.
And being one of the only sales resources at Workwolf, he has a very limited amount of time, particularly to look for new employees who can help reduce his workload.
So, when the time came to look for a new sales associate who could help him manage the growing demands with Workwolf’s expansion, he knew he would have to be strategic about how to find the right candidate. This meant finding the right person who would be well suited for the position within sales, as well as for an environment that is constantly looking to improve and integrate with preexisting systems.

“With weeks of time, money, and energy saved in filtering and looking through resumes—I’ll never go back to filtering the old-fashioned way again.”
Stephen Brennan, CRO at Workwolf
In addition to the job description, its benefits and requirements, Stephen included a link for students to take Packfinder, Workwolf’s free career fit assessment.
Packfinder was developed by experts at Self Management Group, who know exactly what to measure for in a unique job position. With years of experience building effective teams and curating personalized workplace assessments for over 40 years, Self Management Group was able to provide Workwolf with a psychometric assessment—that is, one that asks self-reflective questions that rely on reasoning and error identification—to provide candidates with an effective and reliable personality and soft skills test.
Specifically, Packfinder measures for a user’s self-management skills, motivational profile, environmental fit, comfort with conflict, people orientation, and analytical orientation. Each of these categories, when a response is given, measure where on a spectrum from one extreme to the other, a person’s skill or trait falls. And because the assessment is taken by the participant to reflect on their own abilities, there are further measures that have been put in place to ensure their responses are truthful, namely, by also measuring their confidence at the time of taking the assessment, as well as the consistency of their answers and how comfortable they were self-promoting.
With benchmarks of the Packfinder set to measure how well applicants would match with a position in competitive sales, and only one candidate rising above the rest, Stephen felt confident that this was the one he would reach out to for the position.
Not only has this assessment allowed Stephen to find a perfect match for the position he’s looking to fill, demonstrating the candidate’s great potential in this role, but he’s further been able to skip checking resumes entirely.