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It has been said by many, including artist Truck Torrence, that this past year has been a dumpster fire—a source of anxiety and destruction that causes multitudes of damage and chaos. 

If this dumpster fire of a year wasn’t enough as it was with its destruction of and implications of grief and fear on the entire globe’s population, its fumes continue to pollute aspects of our lives as we try to return to some sense of normalcy through getting vaccinated, finding new jobs, mourning our losses, and trying to recover our sense of comfort in crowds and whatever life was pre-March 2020.  

A recent survey has shown that 50% of Canadians have said that they experienced a deterioration of their mental health since the pandemic began—proof that while our suffering is vast and extensive, we are not alone.  

The Month of May—but specifically the first week in May—is a time to raise awareness of mental health disorders and treatments. With statistics showing as many as 1 in 3 Canadians suffering from a mental disorder, it’s now more important than ever before to be aware of what mental health means and how you can work towards improving your own.

It’s particularly important to us here at Workwolf to encourage healthy mindsets and to approach mental health with the attention and dedication it deserves, especially while many of us may feel isolated with a lack of resources that would otherwise be accessible to us.  

The team has compiled some resources, all of which are free to use and are found to be beneficial to us for supporting our own and for others’ mental health especially while we’re working from home and not seeing any of our coworkers or friends in person—though of course nothing can replace the help you can receive from a medical professional.

If you’re suffering, please seek medical attention immediately.  

1. Toll-free numbers to call for free, live counselling 

– Wellness Together Canada

– Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

– Hope for Wellness Help Line

– Canada-wide mental health resources

– eMental Health Services

– Mental Health America

2. Toolkits for 2021 with the right information and advice 

– Canadian Mental Health Association – Mental Health awareness 2021 

– Canadian Psychiatric Association – COVID-19 resources

– Youth Mental Health Canada – Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health During Remote Learning

3. Fact sheets about mental health and emotions to keep in mind 


– National Institute of Mental Health – brochures and facts

4. Take 5 – A mindfulness practice for calming down and reducing stress 

– MindWell – Take 5

5. Information on how to discuss mental health and the right language to use 

– Words Matter – CAMH language guide

– Mental Health Foundation – Why the language we use to describe mental health matters

– Here to Help BC – The language we use

6. Resources to maintain and lead a healthy workplace, even from home 

– Workplace mental health playbook for business leaders – CAMH

– Supporting your students’ mental health toolkit – Routledge downloadable PDF

– How to support mental health at work –

7. Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness videos on YouTube 

– 12 Minute Core Conditioning | Yoga With Adriene 

– 10-Minute Meditation For Anxiety | Goodful

– How to Practice Mindfulness, part 1 | MyLife

8. Audio sessions to learn more and practice anxiety solutions at home 

– Anxiety Canada – audio resources

9. Discussion forums to share experiences 

– Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Discussion Forum – CAMH

– Mental health forum – Mental Health Forum UK

– Online forums – Beyond Blue Australia

10. Resources to practice and understand the importance self-care 

– The ethical imperative of self-care – American Psychological Association

– Self-Care 101 for Students – School Mental Health Ontario

– Self Care – Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport

– 30 Ways to Practice Self-Care: Take Care of Yourself –

 Remember that these are not all of the resources available to you—there are so many more available to access for free online. If you need help, please find the help you need by reaching out to a trusted friend, family member, neighbor, partner, colleague, doctor, or other medical professional.  


May is Mental Health Awareness month. Along with being aware, you can be involved in improving your own mental health, and provide others with the resources they may need to improve theirs, as well. These resources are free to use and are available online to the general public. If you need urgent help, please call your medical professional or seek out emergency services nearest you.

*This post is not sponsored by any organizations or websites outside of These tips are offered purely in the best interest of the Workwolf user. 

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