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Whether you’re reading resumes one-by-one the old-fashioned way, or working your way through them with a resume reader—namely, one that uses keyword identifiers instead of your own two eyes to identify suitable and less suitable job applicants—you’re sure to be looking over resumes that are less actually related to the position you’re hiring for, but that happened to have or sneakily stuck in some keywords, knowing you’d be using those in search terms.

Even worse, you could be rejecting your ideal candidate if they’re not using the keywords you’ve programmed your system to use in making filtering decisions for you.

With that said, it seems inevitable with resumes being sent in, doesn’t it?

What if we told you that resumes could be avoided entirely in your next hiring cycle, and that all claims made in a resume or online job application can be made authenticated to save weeks on background checks?

In fact, resumes as we know them are on their way out entirely with the rise of the digital passport.

With technology making digital information increasingly more accessible and reliable, it’s only a matter of time before workplaces stop accepting self-proclaimed resumes for job applications and start implementing a more secure, verifiable method as the new industry standard.

By now, you’ve probably heard about our solution: the Digital Work Passport. But you may be wondering, “What’s the difference between a resume and a Digital Work Passport?” and “How is a Digital Work Passport going to make my job easier?”

We’ve got you covered. Here are our top three reasons for ditching your old resume reader and switching to your very own Workwolf business account.

1. Increase your hiring speed

Workwolf’s Digital Work Passport is an online resume that verifies credentials offered by the candidate that are proven—with direct access to a credential issuer—to be truthful information.

Like the vaccine passport and other online digital passports or wallets that are coming to life in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Workwolf’s Digital Work Passport uses blockchain technology to store and maintain digital records in a secure and tamper-proof way, so that candidates can own their data, but cannot change them once they have been verified.

These credentials can be as basic as those found in a wallet, such as a piece of official identification or a driver’s license, or as comprehensive as what certifications they’ve accomplished, their pre-verified reference letters, and even their academic and previous work history—really, everything you’d want on a resume.

And even if candidates offer quantitative details of their success or visually appealing resumes in an attempt to make their applications stand out, their claims are not guaranteed when not proven with sufficient evidence.

For candidates, having this information pre-verified means being noticed for having authenticated records related to their training and employment and maybe even getting hired over others with similar claims that remain unsupported without the verification process.

For recruiters and other talent acquisition professionals, this means you’re able to bypass the background checking process and get the top candidates to start working up to two weeks sooner than your old process would.

Of course, time is money, and with candidates with a Digital Work Passport, not only are you able to save money in both the time it takes to hire the candidate and also in the actual money that goes into sending off a third-party background check, you’re also saving the money it takes to have to repost the job listing if, by the time the background check comes back, the candidate has taken a better offer from someone else.

2. Improve your recruiting accuracy

Of course, with self-proclaimed resumes come unproven soft and hard skills that can, particularly with today’s technology, indeed be proven.

In addition to verifiable credentials, the Digital Work Passport also stores a candidate’s Packfinder assessment results.

Packfinder, Workwolf’s exclusive career fit assessment provided by experts in career assessments at Self Management Group, uses psychometric profiling to learn about a candidate and their potential in over 60 unique job functions.

Through a brief, free, online assessment, users are able to analyze their strongest personality traits and their suitability for career paths and specific job positions ranked on a scale from 1 to 5.

All users who take Packfinder also receive a comprehensive report that follows their assessment results to show where they fell on various workplace scales that range from one end of a spectrum to the other in categories including proactivity, sociability, preferences for work environments, and abilities in analytical thinking.

And because these assessments are stored securely within the Workwolf platform, users can offer external viewers, such as employers or recruiters, to temporarily have access to their results online. Once shared, you as a recruiter can then determine, based on the needs and requirements of the positions you’re looking to fill, whether a candidate will be a good match.

This matching process can either be done manually, by sorting through each candidate by hand, or automatically, by using benchmarks set to determine how a candidate’s potential would match with a job and the potential needed to succeed in it.

3. Keep your clients happy

So, let’s say you’ve managed to sift through hundreds—even thousands—of resumes for a particular job you’re looking to fill, and you’ve managed to do so within your dedicated time period.

Even if you don’t mind waiting two weeks to reach back out to your candidate, you still want to make your candidates happy.

After all, if a candidate is happy being sent off to their place of employment, they’re going to make the employer happy, too. More candidates being placed happily means more repeat customers.

And, of course, as recruiters, we do genuinely want the best for our hires, don’t we?

So, how can you, apart from handing a candidate your paycheck, make them even more pleased with being hired?

Better yet, how do you turn down a candidate who wasn’t quite right for the job without turning them off of your recruiting abilities and your organization as a whole?

With Workwolf, every candidate who takes Packfinder, our free career fit assessment, walks away with an invaluable tool that they can refer to and use in future applications to showcase their soft skills and personality traits that would prove beneficial to a particular career path or job function.

What’s more, you can also offer your top candidates discount codes and free verification tools to build their own Digital Work Passport, so that even if they outgrow this job later on down the road, they can find another one with an established, pre-verified resume that overshadows all others.

Take the leap—join Workwolf and empower your candidates to skip the keyword-stuffed resumes and take charge of their careers with their very own tamper-proof, verifiable credentials in a Digital Work Passport.

Improve the way you hire, and improve your candidates’ experience so they keep coming back to you in the future. Start working smarter, not harder, today.

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