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Earlier this season, we posted an article on why you should replace your current resume reader. And since then, maybe you have updated your filtration process to use the information gathered from Packfinder to make your hiring equitable. Maybe you’ve discovered your top candidates’ abilities and natural predispositions. Maybe you’ve been able to ask them questions specific to their Packfinder results. But maybe there’s still more questions you’d like to ask a candidate before you offer them the job. Maybe you’re still unsure of how to read their Packfinder results. Or maybe you’re just looking for career assessments that are more comprehensive than the ones you’ve offered to your clients in the past.

Well, we’ve got just the update for you!

Our most comprehensive career assessment ever

You asked, and we delivered. We’ve taken our very own career assessment, Packfinder, and made it even better. ExpressPOP is our latest career fit assessment that offers even more resources and feedback for employers and applicants alike. Created and supported in partnership with Self Management Group, ExpressPOP is built specifically for recruiters and employers to be able to learn more about their top candidates.

ExpressPOP uses the same data collected from Packfinder, but offers more insight to employers/recruiters. It uses expert advice from the HR professionals here at Workwolf and the assessment masters at Self Management Group to provide you with even more guidance than before. What’s more, unlike old fashioned and clunky resume readers, or doing the filtering process by hand, ExpressPOP is here to do the work for you.

What is ExpressPOP?

An abbreviation for Predictor of Potential™, ExpressPOP is your one-stop-shop for all the information you need to make informed and equitable hiring decisions. Like Packfinder, ExpressPOP also measures a candidate’s soft skills, so as to make for an equitable filtration process. The assessment uses psychometric profiling to measure a candidate’s responses to examine their confidence and reliability in their answers. This means you can still measure how likely a candidate is to succeed in a position. And like Packfinder, you get to see how an applicant ranks in different job functions and work environments.

What’s different is the speed and amount you and your candidates get out of the assessment.

ExpressPOP provides dynamic, responsive filters that cater to the fields you select to measure. Even though the assessment process is still under 30 minutes, ExpressPOP examines the user’s data to sort for specific qualities as though they were taking a customized test in real-time. So, if a candidate isn’t quite right for one position, you can still consider their potential in another!

What our career assessment can do for you

The only multi-role assessment on the market, ExpressPOP is designed to measure a candidate’s potential in a position based on the following categories:

  • Sales
  • Sales Management
  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Professional
  • Service

Like Packfinder, the results to these career assessments are available instantly once the candidate has finished their responses. With ExpressPOP, however, you’re able to access enhanced resources, such as interview questions and management recommendations. This way, your candidate (read future star employee) will be able to reach their greatest potential. What makes ExpressPOP easier than any other assessment is that it is pre-benchmarked for your ease. Simply select a field you’d like to filter for, and discover the candidate’s potential in their performance and retention. Based on the candidate’s responses, their likelihood to succeed will offer you a green, yellow, or red light as a marker on how to proceed.

With a green light, your candidate is a great match: proceed! A yellow light means proceed with caution, but a red light means it’s not likely a match.

While interviews are the last part of the hiring process that can’t be automated, the personalized questions you ask can be! Along with providing clear signs for you to take when making your hiring decisions, ExpressPOP also takes a candidate’s responses to create unique questions to ask them in an interview. Some of these focus on their preference in work environment, how they use a particular strength to their advantage, and ways they’ve worked with others or on their own in their past experiences. Now, you can always be sure that you’re asking the right questions without having to do the leg work yourself!

What our career assessments can do for your candidates

Like Packfinder, once a user completes Packfinder, they don’t need to offer anything further, except maybe their decision on your job offer! With that said, ExpressPOP is a great way to connect with your clients/candidates because of the value it provides them.

Provide your candidate with their very own candidate feedback, so that whether they get the job or not, they’re walking away with a great resource. To offer your candidate their own takeaway from the assessment, select “candidate feedback” when creating their report. There, you’ll both find what their personal strengths/career needs are, and what to seek and avoid their career path. And maybe some of this information will be obvious or fairly straight-forward for your candidate. But to even the most seasoned worker, this assessment is sure to suggest career paths a candidate is likely to thrive in that they may not have ever considered before.

If this isn’t a win-win situation, we’re not sure what is!

Want to see ExpressPOP in action for yourself? Sign up for a free Workwolf business account and upgrade your Packfinder to an ExpressPOP assessment today!

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