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In the fast-paced world of sales, complexity can often become a barrier between a business and its customers. Simon Harvey, a leading sales strategist, believes that simplicity is the key to a successful sales process. His philosophy revolves around making it easy for customers to buy, and in a recent interview, Simon shared his insights on how simplicity, continuous value, and ethical selling can transform the way businesses approach sales.

Simplicity: The Key to Higher Sales

One of Simon Harvey’s core beliefs is that simplicity drives sales success. “It’s fairly easy to make things overly complicated, but you gotta work hard to make it simple,” Simon shared. He emphasized that when the purchasing process is clear and easy, customers are more likely to follow through with their decisions. On the other hand, if customers have to jump through multiple hoops to make a purchase, they’re likely to abandon the process.

Simon likened it to an experience many of us have faced: being ready to make a purchase online, only to be stopped by unnecessary steps. “At some point, you just say, ‘Well, too bad, it’s too complicated,’ and you’ll move on to a simpler platform like Amazon,” Simon explained. He elaborated further on Amazon’s success, noting that their entire customer experience—from shopping to purchasing, and even returns—is seamless and worry-free. “You push one button, and your order shows up at your doorstep in a day or two. It’s easy to do business with them because everything is simplified,” Simon emphasized. By simplifying the sales journey, businesses can drastically reduce drop-offs, increase conversion rates, and create a stress-free experience that customers will appreciate.

For Simon, this principle applies not only to external customer interactions but also internally within organizations. He warned that overly complicated internal sales policies can demotivate sales teams and slow down business growth. Keeping processes streamlined and straightforward, he argued, is essential for both attracting and retaining customers.

Continuous Value: Beyond the Initial Sale

Simon Harvey believes that the true test of a business is not in making a single sale but in creating continuous value for customers. “If you want to bring value continuously to yourself, your organization, and your customers, you need to work on yourself,” Simon noted. He shared his personal practice of reading business books daily to stay updated and bring fresh insights to his clients.

This commitment to self-improvement, Simon suggested, is what allows salespeople to offer real, ongoing value to their clients. He highlighted that understanding clients’ evolving needs, challenges, and goals is critical to building long-term relationships. “You need to bring new products, ideas, and partners to the table. That’s how you create value throughout the entire chain—from the first supplier to the end user,” he said.

Simon also stressed the importance of staying engaged with customers after the initial sale, ensuring that they continue to see the benefits of the products or services they’ve purchased. This commitment to continuous value is what fosters loyalty and drives repeat business.

Ethical Selling: Building Trust for Long-Term Success

In an era where pushy sales tactics are often the norm, Simon Harvey champions an ethical approach to sales. He believes that the foundation of good salesmanship is built on trust and integrity. “Being ethical in sales means selling the right product to the right person at the right time, for the right reason, and at the right price,” Simon explained.

For Simon, being ethical also means having the ability to say no when necessary. “Sometimes the product a customer wants isn’t the one that’s going to solve their problem. In those cases, you have to be honest, even if it means sending them to a competitor,” he said. This level of honesty, Simon believes, earns respect and builds trust over time. “At the end of the day, they’ll come back to you because they trust you’re looking out for their best interests.”

Simon highlighted that ethical selling is not just about making a single sale but about fostering long-term relationships. “A pushy salesperson may make one sale, but a salesperson who’s focused on ethical selling will earn repeat business and build lasting relationships,” he added.

Empowering Teams to Be Remarkable

One of Simon’s passions is helping sales teams achieve excellence. He believes that every salesperson has the potential to be remarkable, but it’s the role of sales leaders to bring out that potential. “To make someone remarkable, you need to give them the chance to be remarkable,” Simon stated.

He emphasized the importance of recognizing and celebrating successes, no matter how small. “Everybody likes to have the spotlight on them once in a while. When you highlight someone’s achievements, it empowers them to do even better,” he said. He also pointed out the value of giving praise in public, where it boosts morale and team spirit, while addressing issues in private, where it allows for constructive feedback without embarrassment. This balanced approach creates a supportive and motivating environment for sales teams to thrive.

Simon also spoke about the importance of training and development in making salespeople exceptional. Whether it’s training in public speaking or providing insights on new sales strategies, sales leaders need to invest in their teams’ growth. “You want your salespeople to be constantly learning and improving. It’s not enough to just show up to work—you need to be committed to personal development,” he added.

The Art of Experimentation and Rapid Learning

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, Simon Harvey believes that experimentation and rapid learning are crucial for staying ahead of the competition. He shared an example of a project where his team was building a new SaaS product. Instead of waiting for the perfect version, they sold early-stage versions to gather feedback quickly.

“We’d take the product to the customer, get as close as possible to making the sale, and then put them on a waiting list. That way, we knew what worked and what didn’t, and we could improve quickly,” Simon explained. This agile approach allowed the team to learn rapidly and adjust their strategy in real-time.

Simon believes that businesses that are stuck in the old ways of doing things will eventually fall behind. “If you’re doing business today the same way you were in 2020 or 2019, you’re going to be out of the game soon,” he warned. To remain competitive, Simon advocates for constantly trying new things and experimenting with different strategies.

AI and the Future of Sales

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), Simon stressed that while AI is a valuable tool, it doesn’t replace the human element in sales. “At the end of the day, it’s always person-to-person—one person selling to another person,” Simon said. He encouraged businesses to use AI to streamline processes but warned against letting AI take over the personal touch that’s crucial in building relationships.

“AI is part of the game now, and if you’re not using it, you’re falling behind. But it’s just like the internet—when it first started, people resisted it. Now, it’s everywhere,” Simon noted. The key, according to Simon, is to balance technology with human interaction.


Simon Harvey

Simon Harvey

Simon Harvey’s insights offer a fresh perspective on how sales professionals can navigate the complexities of today’s market. By focusing on simplicity in sales, continuous value, ethical selling, and rapid experimentation, businesses can build lasting relationships and achieve sustainable success.

In an ever-changing business landscape, Simon’s approach reminds us that, while tools and technologies evolve, the fundamental principles of trust, integrity, and delivering value remain the cornerstone of successful sales.

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