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While we expect certain changes with each passing year—new advancements in technology and better, less invasive medical procedures, to name a few—other changes seem to be less inherent than perhaps they should be.  

For one, some hiring agencies and academic institutions continue relying on somewhat outdated measurements of one’s success to determine hires or program admittance, such as the standardized intelligence quotient (IQ) test. That is, even though the IQ test was invented over 100 years ago to measure an individual’s mental abilities, some professionals still use it to measure a candidate’s potential at their organization. 

However, now that we now know that measuring one’s success and capabilities is not simply measured with one test, more and more employers and recruiting agents are turning to using new measurement forms to determine a person’s potential workplace suitability, such as their adaptability quotient (AQ).  

So, how is a person’s adaptability quotient measured?

With all the change this past year has brought us, now more than ever, we’re told we need to be adaptable in order to keep up and survive in the ever-changing environments around us. When a person’s AQ is measured, the qualities examined are most often their 

· Open-mindedness to change 
· Inclination to actively seek out others’ perspectives 
· Tendency to prioritize developing new skills and methods of working 
· Impulse to consistently update one’s own learning to be better prepared for future circumstances 

While there are many layers of privilege and circumstance that affect one’s ability to be adaptable to changes—especially ones that target more vulnerable people, like the COVID-19 pandemic does—one’s ability to adapt to their environment is not something that is set in stone from the time you’re born.  

That’s right, you can increase your AQ with time and practice!  


As challenging and devastating this past year has been for the vast majority of the world—personally, financially, emotionally, business-wise, health-wise, and so on—this year has perhaps proven how resilient and adaptable we are as a species, from the plexiglass installations made in stores and offices to work-from-home set ups (however make-shift they may be).  

CamaleonNot only is your ability to adapt useful in contexts of coping with large amounts of stress, it’s also beneficial to maintain for both your professional and overall well-being. So, how can you increase your AQ for both your professional development and for your own wellness? A few tips include the following: 

· taking courses or reading independently to take on new perspectives within your field
· solving problems with different approaches to expand your mindset 
· being willing to make mistakes to learn from them 
· encouraging others to be open-minded 

As well, some professionals like the CEO of Empact, swear by the five-hour rule—that is, spending five hours a week on reading, studying, or practicing relevant tasks to your field of work to increase your likelihood to achieve your goals.  

Your AQ in the eyes of your next employer

It goes without saying, employers and recruiting agents are looking for and measuring candidates’ AQ for good reason; one’s adaptability can be crucial in work-places in times like these.

Not only is a candidate’s AQ beneficial for their work on the individual level, it’s also beneficial to have as an organization, as well, and that starts with the workers. In fact, a business’s AQ can affect their ability to remain relevant and successful (RIP Blockbuster LLC).  

With that said, your AQ is not only measured in, say, how productive you’ve remained throughout this global pandemic. It can be how well you adapted to moving to a new country, or living with relatives, or even becoming a new parent. As such, it’s worth noting in interviews that you have high adaptability skills and are confident in your ability to shift your workflow depending on the environment and circumstances around you.  

Find your AQ with WW

Workwolf’s exclusive Packfinder assessment measures personality traits that are all indicative of one’s adaptability, including their self-management skills, their comfort with conflict, and their analytical orientation. 

Workwolf has made the Packfinder free for all users to take, so you can measure your strengths and share them with potential employers.  

As well, you can download your Packfinder results as a PDF and include in your email applications or on your social media or professional profile pages to showcase your stellar qualities.

Want to try it out? It only takes 30 minutes to complete; try it today! 


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